Tar Heel Service Day – Oct. 12/14th


Join your Cumberland County Carolina Club as we volunteer with two amazing organizations in our community for Tar Heel Service Day, Operation Inasmuch and Habitat for Humanity. 


Choose from the activities listed below.

You can volunteer on one or both days (sign up/registration is required for each individual activity).


Operation Inasmuch ~ Thursday, October 12

Breakfast Program (7am – 9am): The UNC Cumberland County Carolina Club will assist Operation Inasmuch with their Breakfast Program for the homeless. Volunteers will help set tables, greet family members, serve breakfast, and assist with clean up. Operation Inasmuch is located at 531 Hillsboro Street.

**To sign up, please complete the Breakfast Program Volunteer Form. Sign up soon, there are 10 volunteer spots available for the Breakfast Program.

Please wear Carolina blue to show your Carolina pride as we join Tar Heels throughout the world to #ServeCarolina. 


Habitat for Humanity ~ Saturday, October 14th

Construction (8am – 1pm): The UNC Cumberland County Carolina Club will assist the Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity with a construction project. The shift date and time are confirmed; work site location and task details will be provided closer to the shift date.

ReStore (11am – 5pm): The UNC Cumberland County Carolina Club volunteer team will attend a mandatory ReStore Volunteer Orientation at 11am before assisting with retail tasks such as merchandise cleaning and organization; customer assistance; unloading donations; etc. The Habitat Restore is located at 3833 Bragg Blvd.

**To sign up, please go to http://unccccc.fayettevillenchabitat.volunteerhub.com/. If you don’t have an existing account you will have to create one in order to sign up for a volunteer shift. Sign up soon, there are 10 slots available for construction and 6 slots available for the ReStore.

Please wear Carolina blue to show your Carolina pride as we join Tar Heels throughout the world to #ServeCarolina.


**Both service activities require that you sign up or register as there are a limited number of spots available. If you have questions about volunteering, contact Deidra Debnam at ddebnam@alumni.unc.edu.

October 12, 2017